Every weekend A and I take a walk around the neighborhood to see what wonders we can find. Sometimes its fresh rosemary and mint, other times a cool looking stick that could make a 3 foot tall sling shot. This time it was a persimmon!
The story behind getting this persimmon is sort of funny. A and I saw it from a block away near Hawthorne and Euclid. My fingers twitched and my eyes brightened, and A thought to himself, "Oh no, Eileen's going to try and get the fruit. She's always getting into trouble." Of course, I coerced him to help me. You should have seen our human ladder. He hoisted me up and tried to balance as I frantically lunged for the fruit. Several people passed us during these minutes and must have thought we were nuts.
Not quite sure if taking fruit off someone else's tree is lawful since it is "poaching" but if anyone asks, the fruit needed to be picked. At my future home, if I have any fruit trees in the yard, there'll be a clear sign saying "Please take whatever fruit you can reach."
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